Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Went to No Sleep Til yesterday. best day in the world...Suicide Silence was possibly one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Mitch Lucker is such an intense vocalist. amazing...Also I saw Atreyu for the first time ever. Whilst I was watching them, standing in the empty pit, I felt this tap on my shoulder, I turn around and the bassist Marc McKnight was standing next to me playing his bass. So I slapped his ass and yelled at him haha, then after that people surrounded him and I jsut walked off...I had my fun hahah. So that basically made my day. GWAR were the most weirdest intense band I have ever seen. that was some weird shit going on, on stage. 
will update more when I can be bothered!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

That touch, I can't escape,
And eyes that drill my soul with meaning,
Oh, I know I can't escape you.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

do want...

quite possibly just had one of the best weekends ever. I'm left with a big cut on my forehead from something...not quite sure, was reallyyy drunk. Really want to say thanks to England (Daniel) & Craig for making my saturday night in town a memorable one. And had an epic Sunday with Sobotnik & Jrang smashing COD Black Ops. now to go for a surf and relax :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

youngbloods run free forever
forget the deaths thats ever fucking nearer
light up the sky, and scream
'fuck the reaper'
this life is for the keeping
youngbloods just keep on screaming

For the most part...I have no idea what I'm doing

Keira Knightley with dream has finally come photoshop form